Learn how the OPCMIA can help you secure a better way of life for you and your family.
Everyone knows Union workers earn more through collective bargaining for fair pay, better benefits and a voice on the jobsite. But very few people know just how large that difference is when it comes to wages, health coverage, retirement plans and the ability to secure a better way of life for themselves and their families.
Why Join As a Career?
First and foremost, the Union belongs to its members. We have a say in how our organization operates. We elect our own leaders from within our ranks, so our representatives understand our trade and the issues that matter to us because they have done our jobs.
As a union member you will have the protection of a union contract with basic rights including:
- Improved job conditions.
- The right to a fair hearing.
- The ability to speak out for yourself and your fellow workers on work-related issues.
We collectively bargain our own contracts. Our representatives are committed to negotiating better wages, benefits and conditions for their members.
Through bargaining, we negotiate benefits such as:
- Health and welfare to protect you and your family when you’re sick or injured.
- Dental and vision care benefits.
- Pension benefits to help you live the quality of life you deserve upon retirement.
- Normal working hours, shift work, travel pay and overtime, etc.
We bargain for safer job conditions and enhanced health and safety programs that can help you prevent on-the-job injuries and better equip you for today’s market.
There is also a directory of the Local Unions in the United States and Canada where you can contact the local union of your choice to obtain more detailed information regarding wages, benefits, apprenticeship and health and safety.
What are the Benefits?
Why do airline pilots, nurses, firefighters and even doctors and lawyers belong to professional organizations? Because we can all have more together than they can each achieve separately.
Earn More – It is a proven fact that members of a trade union make more money over a life time than their counter-parts who are not in a union. The ability to bargain with management as a group allows our union to negotiate better wages important fringe benefits like retirement plans and medical insurance for your family.
Retirement – Construction is physically demanding work. Union members have money set aside for them into a pension plan for every hour they work. Do you really want to work all your life and end up relying on social security to see you through your “golden years”?
Medical Insurance – How much does it cost for an emergency room visit? How about having a baby? Or God forbid, fighting cancer? No matter how much you earn, no one short of Donald Trump can afford to pay for their own healthcare. Union members have group health insurance plans that provide protection for you and your family when you need it most.
Training – Union members don’t earn the good money and all these benefits just because we are members of a union. We recognize that if we want the best we must be the best. The OPCMIA offers training for every level. Job Corps training is available to those with no experience and needing a helping hand up before beginning a formal apprenticeship. Apprenticeship programs combine classroom and earn as you learn hands-on training covering every aspect of our trades. And journeyman upgrading programs keep our members safe and sharp with the latest developments in the industry.
Pride – Union plasterers and cement masons are an important part of the construction industry. Through this fraternal organization, we insure that every member gets the best deal possible for their labor and we can collectively offer management a well trained workforce. We bring VALUE to the jobsite.